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After School Clubs

What clubs do we currently run?

At St Paul's we currently offer 'football' club after school on a Thursday. Football club is run by an external company and it has a capped number of participants. Booking your child a place at these clubs is done via the 'ScoPay' app. 

Football club is run by The Rondos Academy and takes place on Thursdays after school. To find out more, click the link to see their website. 

In term 3 and term 4, school staff will run after-school clubs for 8 weeks. The children in years 1 and 2 will be able to sign up to a club and attend the 8 sessions. 
In previous years, some of the clubs that have been on offer have been: art, music, Zumba, computing, construction and lots more!

St Pauls Infant School

Hillary Road, Penenden Heath, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 2BS

01622 753322